by France Moretti

With the fourth industrial revolution, an exponential growth of human consciousness is inspiring new organizational cultures.


According to Laurent Devemy, CRHA, traditional management methods no longer work. The instability and complexity our organizations face is driving us to rethink our ways of doing things.

Our current worldview is evolving, crossing the perceived limits of the future of our organizations. We reinvent a more emotional way of working together, freeing ourselves from the apathy of structural hierarchies:


“ Is it possible to reinvent organizations, to devise a new model that makes work productive, fulfilling, and meaningful? ”

Frederic Laloux


We create workplaces based on new organizational models that enable achievable and meaningful productivity.


‘ The greatest danger in times of turbulence

is not the turbulence –

It is to act with yesterday’s logic. ’

Peter Drucker


According to Frederic Laloux, author of « Reinventing Organizations », at the forefront of this reinvention of our organizations are the three breakthroughs of this organizational evolution:


1       Self-management (the distribution of power)

— Operate effectively, even on a large scale, with a system based on peer relationships, without the need for either hierarchy or consensus.

2       Integrity (better use of talent)

— Develop practices that invite to deploy personal integrity, not restricted by conventional professionalism templates.

3       Evolutionary goal (better directing energy)

— Establish a non-predicting and uncontrollable evolutionary goal of the future, based on listening and understanding of the organization’s purpose it wants to serve.


Concrete changes are visible. Several examples are noticeable such as the creation of new workspaces that allow collaboration and sharing among peers, the formal annual performance assessment replaced by the real-time performance review, as well as the growing trend of teleworking that reconciles professional and personal life and also playing a role on the working environment and work-life balance.

However, we are at the tip of the iceberg of promising signs that our organizations are reinventing themselves and at the dawn of new models that also making it possible to adapt to the realities of intergenerational coexistence.


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