by Stéfanie Rochford, CRHA

Corporate culture is an intangible value, but despite this, it is a very important asset of any organization. Its importance is sometimes underestimated and neglected among the financial and budgetary objectives that prevail in both public and private organizations.

At Zappos, the importance of recruiting profiles that match company values is an essential criterion in the process. The traditional skills-based selection interview is replaced by a thorough assessment of the candidate’s values, which they call a « cultural interview ».

“ Our number one priority is culture.
If you get the culture right, then most of the other stuff follows. ”

Zappos CEO, Tony Hsieh

Several studies and influencers mention the importance of the role of managers and leadership. On the other hand, Tony Hsieh advocates that every employee is responsible for promoting values ​​in everyday life. The values ​​that define it are:

  • Participative and positive culture
  • Humility
  • Professional development
  • Creativity

At Lululemon, Ashley Dalziel, Talent Acquisition Manager, demonstrates its importance in its strategy by recruiting « culture generators ».

Like Zappos and Lululemon, we note this trend in the importance of formulating the questions of the selection interview to validate this « cultural fit ». Some companies, such as Zappos, are deepening this notion by advocating that « cultural fit » is a more important criterion than skills and competencies.

Recruiting a candidate who fits the values ​​that define the corporate culture helps create a dynamic and efficient work environment.

Henry Mintzberg tells us its importance by quoting:

“ Culture is the soul of the organization –
the beliefs and values and how they are manifested. ”


Wishing you success in your recruiting!

Stéfanie Rochford, CRHA

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